FAQ: M365 Migration


FAQ for M365 Migration.


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Title: M365 Migration FAQs

Audience: Staff and Students

Applies to: M365 (Microsoft 365)

Category: Enterprise Apps & Software Information

Prerequisites: N/A


Problem: N/A


Description / Summary: Short description on why CNC is moving to a cloud based mail method.



Why are we migrating to M365?

Historically, CNC's e-mail service has been 'on premises'. This means we are vulnerable to server failures and digital attacks that could result in a total loss of e-mail data. By having our data in 'the cloud', we are better protecting it (and you!) This migration will also enable individual users to use all the tools that Microsoft offers much more fulsomely! 

My owa.cnc.bc.ca webmail doesn't work, what happened?

In the past, people at CNC could access webmail via 'owa.cnc.bc.ca'. This link will no longer work, but never fear! You still have complete webmail access at the following link: outlook.office.com! Please update your bookmarks. 

What about email apps on my mobile device? 

There is a possibility that this migration has caused email apps to stop working. To fix this, there is a fairly simple measure that works for both iPhone and Android users. 

Note: we strongly recommend that you use the Official Outlook App on both Android and IOS. If you do not wish to use the official Microsoft app, we cannot guarantee functionality. Thank you for understanding. 

  • Please uninstall the email app you use (android / iOS) and then reinstall it (android / iOS)

Where can I go to learn more about M365 Features?

We've collaborated with Communications to bring you a page with numerous videos that dig more deeply into M365! You will find training videos, tips and tricks in the below link. Please let us know what you think, or if there are other videos that you would recommend! 

M365 Learning Page!

We will be adding more questions to this page as they come up!

Stay tuned!



Article ID: 4294
Wed 8/24/22 1:56 PM
Mon 1/29/24 5:20 PM