Title: About: PaperCut Printing
Audience: Students, Staff / Faculty
Applies to: PaperCut Services
Category: Knowledge Base
Prerequisites: PaperCut Account, Active CNC Account
Problem: N/A
Description / Summary: Information for CNC Provided PaperCut accounts
PaperCut Printing
PaperCut printing services are implemented in the Prince George Library and Prince George Open Access Labs. PaperCut printing was implemented in the Quesnel Library and Quesnel Open Access Labs in August 2016.
Going Green!
The College of New Caledonia has implemented a PaperCut printing solution in the Prince George and Quesnel library and open access computer labs, with the primary goals to:
- cut down on paper waste
- reduce our carbon footprint
Since May 31, 2010, the printing at CNC has produced over 61,302KG of C02, which is the energy equivalent of running a 60W bulb for 3,859,784 hours!
Sign in to the PaperCut Dashboard to view your individual impact.

Pay to Print
We've been using PaperCut since 2010 to monitor printing usage, but now we're going to implement a pay-to-print policy, which will encourage each of us to be more mindful about what we print. You can view and manage your personal printing account from the PaperCut Dashboard: PaperCut.cnc.bc.ca
Please visit the PaperCut printing page on the IT Services website for answers to frequently asked questions.
Please note: if you run out of funds in your PaperCut account while copying, you will need to log out of the copier before adding more funds. This will allow your balance to synchronise with the copier.