How To: Remotely Sign Out of Office 365 Apps

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Title: How To: Remotely Sign Out of Office 365 Apps

Audience: Students, Staff / Faculty

Applies to: M365 Accounts

Category: Software and Application Support

Prerequisites: Active CNC Account, M365 Access


Problem: Unauthorized access to your account, lost FOB/Authenticator


Description / Summary: Guide on forcing sign-outs for all devices that you are logged in on with your CNC M365 Account


1. Open any web browser and go to website and click on Sign In

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2. Type your full CNC email address in the Sign In pop-up window. 

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3. You will be redirected to CNC Login Webpage, type in your CNC password in the password field.

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4. On the top right corner of the screen click on the Profile Name and click on the View Account option.

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5. Click on the Sign Out Everywhere option under your username.

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6. Follow through the pop-up options and click the OK button.

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7. Once signed out from everywhere it will redirect you to the sign-in webpage.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Congratulations you have signed out from all of the devices in just a few clicks. 

Note- Changes will take a few minutes to take effect on your devices wherever you're signed in on Office apps. You will be asked to put in a new password on your next use of Office apps.

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Article ID: 4859
Fri 1/13/23 11:42 AM
Mon 1/29/24 2:34 PM