
Title: How To: Set Text to Speech Voicemail Greetings in Teams
Audience: Staff / Faculty
Applies to: MS Teams Phone
Category: Communication and Collaboration
Prerequisites: MS Teams License
Problem: N/A
Description / Summary: Guide on setting a Text to Speech voicemail in Teams if you are away
Text to speech voicemail greetings can only be set via the Teams desktop app.
1. In the top right corner, select the ••• next to your user icon and click 'Settings'.

2. Select the 'Calls' tab and select 'Configure Voicemail'.

3. Under 'Text-to-speech customized greeting option' there are two options. For your standard voicemail greeting, type out a message you want read under 'Your custom greeting'. If you would like a separate greeting for when you are out of office, type out a message you want read under 'Your custom out of office greeting'.

4. Click 'OK' at the bottom of the screen when you are finished typing out your message and your new greeting should be in place either immediately or within about 5 minutes.