Title: How To: Connect to Eduroam - Laptop
Audience: CNC Students, Staff, and Faculty
Applies to: All CNC Wireless Users
Category: Network & Connectivity Management
Prerequisites: Active CNC Login credentials
Problem: None
Description / Summary: Use these instructions to connect your Windows laptop to the Eduroam wireless access service.
Step 1: Initial Sign-In Instructions
Signing in to Eduroam
Select the Eduroam network on your device.
In the username field, enter your full CNC email address.
In the password field, enter the password that you use for your CNC account.
Click Save/Submit/Connect to submit the credentials.
If your device is connected automatically, you are done!
If your device did not automatically connect, proceed to Step 2: Connecting to Eduroam.
Step 2: Connecting To Eduroam
A) Manual Configuration for Windows Laptops
- Before connecting to Eduroam, you might need to download the certificate installer from the Eduroam website. Setting up your connection this way is only required if your device cannot discover the necessary settings automatically.
- If you are not already connected to the internet, connect to “CNC_Guest”.
- After you have connected to the internet, go to https://cat.eduroam.org and click on the blue button to download the installer.
- The next screen will ask you to select your institution. Please enter College of New Caledonia, not just CNC.
- Select the appropriate user group: staff or student.
- Click the download button to begin downloading the installer. If the version of the installer that comes up automatically is not the correct version for your operating system, click the “Choose another installer download” link and select the correct operating system.
- Once the installer has finished downloading, run it and enter your full CNC username and password. Then click "install."After the installation, you will be connected to Eduroam.
B) Connecting your Android or iOS Devices
You will need to ensure your Android device's software is current. Android software version 11 and earlier will not connect to Eduroam via the getEduroam app.
- - Install the app by going to your App Store and searching for "geteduroam". You might see one of these logos:

- - Open the app and enter College of New Caledonia as the institution.
- - Choose your profile: Staff or Student.
- - Enter your username and password, and click "Connect to Network".
Your device will now be configured and connected to the Eduroam Wireless Network.
C) Android Devices (Method 2)
- When attempting to access Eduroam WiFi, you may encounter this message:

- At the "CA certificate" field, choose "Do not Validate"
- In the “Identity” field, type in your CNC email address.
- In the “Anonymous identity” field, type in your CNC email again.
- In the “Password” field, type in your CNC password.
- Your configuration should look like this:

- Tap on the “connect” button on the bottom right of the screen.
Note: if it asks for “Domain” field, type in “ad.cnc.bc.ca”.
D) Connecting your Chromebook Devices
- Choose "eduroam" in the list of available WiFi on your Chromebook
- Change the following settings:
- Scroll down to reveal more settings:
Identity: Your CNC email address – please enter it with @cnc.bc.ca included - example: smithj1@cnc.bc.ca
Password: Your CNC login password.
Anonymous Identity: Your CNC email address re-typed again
Subject match: If a field shows up and asks for a subject match, please enter "cnc.bc.ca" for Chromebooks.
Subject Alternative Name Match: Please leave this field blank
Domain suffix match: If a field shows up and asks for a domain suffix, please enter "cnc.bc.ca" for Chromebooks.
Note: Your CNC email address cannot contain capital letters, all letters must be lowercase.
Leave all other fields and settings as they are and hit "Connect".
Did the getEduroam app say it was configured, but your connection to Eduroam failed?
Go back to the wifi settings on your mobile, and instead of clicking on Eduroam to connect to it, press & hold or select the "options dots" for the network and go into Manage Network Settings / Settings for Eduroam.
Type your password again and click "Save" (Connect or Submit) to save the settings. If you cannot connect to Eduroam, please move to Step 3: Troubleshooting.
Step 3: Troubleshooting
A) If you still cannot connect to the Eduroam wireless network, either on mobile a computer, first "forget" any networks related to CNC and then restart your Wi-Fi.
How To Forget WiFi on Apple mobile devices
How to Forget Wi-Fi on Android mobile devices
For Windows 10:
Select the Wi-Fi network icon on the right side of the taskbar, then select Network & Internet Settings
Select Wi-Fi , then select Manage Known Networks
Select the network you want to forget, then select Forget
For Windows 11
Select Start > Settings > Network & Internet
Select Wi-Fi , then select Manage Known Networks
Choose the network you want to forget, then select Forget
N.B.: if you are using a MacBook and have previously connected to Eduroam at another institution, you must remove the Eduroam profile for that institution. Then, restart your Wi-Fi and try to connect.
B) If you are using a Windows laptop, find "Eduroam" in the list of available networks and try again to connect.
C) If you are on an Android or iOS Smartphone, repeat the instructions above for the getEduroam app.
D) If repeating the getEduroam app steps still does not work for your mobile device, Manually Configure your mobile device with the settings below:
Connect to Wi-Fi on your Android device
- Connect iPhone to the Internet
If you are still unable to connect, please contact the IT Helpdesk
You can use this form to submit a request via the Client Portal.
N.B.: Not all older devices can be connected to the network, even with assistance.
Eduroam at other institutions
If you are visiting another institution that has Eduroam Wi-Fi, log in using your home institution's username and add your institution's domain at the end of your username.
For example, if an SFU student was visiting CNC, they would log in with userid@sfu.ca and their password. CNC individuals visiting another institution would sign into Eduroam using CNCusername@cnc.bc.ca and their regular password.