FAQ: Microsoft Defender

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Title: FAQ: Microsoft Defender

Audience: Staff / Faculty

Applies to: All CNC Computers / Endpoints

Category: Enterprise Apps & Software Information

Prerequisites: Access to CNC Device


Problem: NA


Description / Summary: A quick FAQ on security changes coming to the CNC community!


Overview: Protecting our devices from malicious software is important! One of the ways that we look at preventing malicious software is through the use of an anti-virus. You may be familiar with Sophos which is our Current anti-virus software, and we are now moving to Microsoft Defender, but don't fret! Moving to Defender is seamless, and will provide the same level of protection as before (while still allowing you to do what you need to do on your CNC device!)

Why are we moving to Defender? 

Upgrading stuff is important! The same way we upgrade routers and access points to improve Wi-Fi, we also upgrade our software to ensure things are running smoothly. One of the reasons we are moving to Defender is to enable a more seamless experience on both our end, and yours. Defender is integrated with each device already, so we don't need to install any additional software to keep devices safe! Additionally, Defender has an advanced database for current threats to devices. This means that our reporting will be more accurate, and we can keep CNC data and devices as safe as possible!

Will I notice a difference between Defender and Sophos?

Ideally, nope! The transition will be seamless and done on our end. If we do need to assist manually with uninstalling Sophos or enabling Defender, we will contact you directly. The only core difference you may notice is a small notification indicating that Defender has scanned your device. This links back to the database I've mentioned previously, and just means that Defender is making sure the software and files on your device are secure. 

Can I still do everything I need to do on my device?

Yes, you can! Defender should not block processes that are required to complete your work, and any previous exceptions that have been made in Sophos have been moved over. This means that issues of the past will stay in the past, and you can continue to do your work as usual! If you do notice anything being blocked on your device that is required for your work, though, please contact cybersecurity@cnc.bc.ca or helpdesk@cnc.bc.ca for further assistance.

What happens if something is detected on my device?

Don't fret! It's common for devices to have alerts, and we are here to help. If your device has an alert, we may reach out to you over Teams or Email to verify some information. This could include when the software/file was downloaded, what activities were being done on the device, and any other information that can help us investigate. To be clear, though, we are only looking to protect CNC devices and you! If the Cybersecurity team reaches out regarding an alert, this is only to help us understand how to best support and remediate the alert!

Who should I reach out to with questions, concerns, comments, or feedback?

CYBERSECURITY!!! We are here to help! You can reach us at the cybersecurity@cnc.bc.ca or helpdesk@cnc.bc.ca inboxes, and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Keeping your devices, accounts, and data safe is our #1 priority, and we will help however we can!