Title: How to Power Cycle a Dell Laptop
Audience: Anyone
Applies to: Dell Laptops
Category: Computing and Mobile Support
Prerequisites: Physical access to computer, and access to working charger
Problem: Laptop unable to power on, but can charge (LED visible)
Description / Summary: Weird bugs can cause Dell Laptops to stay off when they should be powering on. This is a guide to potentially resolve this issue.
Sometimes specific software, processes, and applications will not allow your computer to turn on. One of the ways to fix this issue would be to "Power Cycle" or completely drain your computer of power to reset its processes. This can be done on most laptops, although this specific guide is for CNC provided Dell Laptops.
1. Attempt to charge your computer first and verify that your charger, docking station, etc.. are properly connected. Most of the time it is a faulty charger or a disconnected piece of equipment that causes power issues.
2. If you have verified that the unit can not turn on (both charging and not), remove all devices that are plugged into the computer.
3. Hold the power button for 15-20 seconds while the device is not connected to power.
4. Immediately after holding down the power button, plug in the laptop and press the power button one more time.
5. If all went to plan, you should now be able to turn your computer on. If not please contact ITS as the issue may be more advanced!