How To: Access OneDrive through File Explorer

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Title: How To: Access OneDrive through File Explorer

Audience: Staff / Faculty

Applies to: Microsoft OneDrive

Category: Desktop, Mobile and Printing Support

Prerequisites: Access to CNC Account, Modern Image Device


Problem: N/A


Description / Summary: Guide on accessing and mapping OneDrive to Modern Image Devices


OneDrive is the new standard for storage at CNC as we are starting to move away from the older network drive system. This article will serve as a guide for mapping and using OneDrive on a newer device.

Standard Use for Onedrive

1. Open File Explorer and look on the left under the "Quick access" navigation pane for "OneDrive - College of New Caledonia"

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2. When expanding the "OneDrive" folder, you can see multiple different folders available. To add items to these folders, just drag and drop!

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3. You can also view the standard online version of OneDrive by right-clicking within the "OneDrive" folder and selecting "View online"

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Adding a personal/work account

If you are looking under your navigation pane but do not see OneDrive - don't worry! It is a fairly simple process to add it.

1. Search for OneDrive in the bottom left corner and the following pane will open, enter your CNC email, and click "Sign in"


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Follow the prompts until are you able to view it in your File Explorer! 

1. Another method for adding a OneDrive account is by right-clicking the OneDrive folder in File Explorer and selecting "Settings"

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2. Once in the Settings for OneDrive, you can do a number of things such as:

Add a personal account,

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Manage backups,

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Change notifications,

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And find out how much storage you have.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

For a more in-depth look at using OneDrive online, please view the article linked here.