Project Participation Requests

What is this?

Project managers may use this form to advise Information Technology Services of a need for our participation in your project. We receive a large volume of collaboration requests, so these are considered on a priority basis. 

What information do I need for this request?

  • Please familiarise yourself with the CNC IT Project Request and Delivery Standard prior to submitting a Participation Request
  • Project Participation Requests are reviewed on the last Thursday of each month. The exact date may shift in order to accommodate the needs of ITS staff.
  • We might ask you to provide more information than we originally ask for on the form in order to properly classify and prioritise your request. If this is the case, a member of the IT team will work with you to discover the necessary information.
  • Please note that ITS may not have the capacity to accommodate your request immediately, and requests for participation are not acted upon in the order in which they are received. ITS needs to approve, prioritise, and schedule our resources in order to fulfill our obligations as well as participate in projects initiated by other departments. Our process for project consideration is below.

Project Workflow

The IT Project request workflow is as follows:

  1. Project Request form received
  2. Project Requests are reviewed monthly by IT Services leadership
    1. Project is either:
      1. Accepted and scheduled according to priority in relation to the existing projects and project backlog
      2. Approved and backlogged (Backlogged projects are regularly reviewed and considered for scheduling throughout the year) 
      3. Request made for more information
      4. Denied with explanation
  3. Communications strategy:
    1. The requester will receive feedback on their request after it is reviewed by ITS, and any additional information is provided, prior to any decision being made.


How can I get this?

Click the button labelled "Project Participation Request" to open our request form.

Who can use this?

Project managers, CNC Directors