Email Not Searchable

What is this?

Sometimes Outlook email addresses, especially new accounts, cannot be searched for in the Global Address List. This means that the owner of that account can't be added to a Distribution Group (DG) or emailed directly. Use this form to request that your member of staff's email address be made searchable.

What information do I need for this request?

  • The name of the person whose email you can't find
  • That person's user name
  • If they are a new hire, or if there has been any changes to their CNC computer account that you know of

How do I get this?

Click the button labelled "Unhide Email Address" and complete the form

Who can use this?

Managers, Deans, and their designates

Unhide Email Address


Service ID: 3758
Thu 10/5/23 4:15 PM
Tue 2/20/24 10:32 AM