Cybersecurity Training Request

What is this?

Illegitimi non carborundum 

Don't let the cyberattackers grind you down. It can feel relentless - the phishing emails and spam, multi-factor authentication, choosing a secure password ... choosing another secure password because you forgot the other one. Feeling uncertain and unsure and sometimes downright frightened by an email. By accidentally clicking a link.

"Did I forget to pay that invoice?"

"I know this person, so of course this email they're sending me is fine.  Although, I thought they knew how to spell 'message'..."

"The VP wants me to do what?"

This is by design. Hackers, bad actors, or whatever you want to call them, want to grind you down and get you to let down your guard. This is why learning about cybersecurity is important; when you're armed with knowledge of their tricks, the harder you'll be to fool. To help arm you in the fight, CNC IT has partnered with CIRA to offer cybersecurity training and a better way to report phishing emails to ITS. 

Staff members are enrolled in the CIRA training, which presents you with learning modules and quizzes. Completing these will earn you points and a lower cybersecurity risk score. As you progress in your learning, more modules will be made available to you, and you'll receive reminders to continue on and lower your risk even further. The lower the score, the better - like golf!

You will also be able to easily report spam or phishing emails to ITS using the Beauceron "Report a Phish" button, which looks like this: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Some of those spam emails are actually from CIRA - part of your training - and when you use the Report a Phish button, you'll earn even more points and lower your risk score even further. Those that are really spam will be forwarded to CNC IT's cybersecurity team who will investigate them and block the malicious addresses. 

How do I get this?

All members of staff are enrolled in the CIRA training and are strongly encouraged to get those risk scores as low as possible. 
The Beauceron Report a Phish button will be automatically available in the top bar of your Outlook; no need to manually install it.

If you'd like more information about cybersecurity training at CNC, click the button labelled "Request Cybersecurity Training" and a member of the team will reach out with support.

Request Cybersecurity Training


Service Offering Id: 1038
Tue 9/26/23 11:52 AM
Wed 9/27/23 6:06 PM